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The North Kootenay Lake & Silvery Slocan Super Side Trip of the International Selkirk Loop. This driving tour can take from three hours to three days or more, depending on how much you want to explore.




There are countless trails in the area for hiking, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing. No matter where your fitness level is at, your choices are endless.


Links and Resources:


Idaho Peak

A favourite in July and August for spectacular alpine meadows bursting with wildflowers. The view from the summit of mountains in all directions is awe-inspiring. In 2021, the road to Idaho Peak was washed out 1.5 km from Sandon and is now impassable. The damage is extensive and there are currently no plans to repair the road. Alternate access is available up the Wakefield Trail or via mountain biking trails that start at Three Forks. Inquire with the New Denver Visitor Centre or Wilds of Canada Cycle for further information on these alternate routes


Galena Trail

The Galena Trail runs from Rosebery to Three Forks—a 13-kilometre section of old CPR rail right-of-way. It makes for excellent hiking, mountain biking, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. A highlight is taking a cable car across Carpenter Creek at the old Alamo mine site, where you can see the remains of the old concentrator.

It takes about an hour and a half to hike from Rosebery to New Denver, and about two hours to hike from New Denver to Three Forks.

  • Rosebery Trailhead is accessed from Rosebery Loop Road.

  • New Denver Trailhead is accessed from Denver Siding Road, off Hwy 31A heading east from New Denver.

  • Three Forks Trailhead is at the junction of Hwy 31A and Sandon Road, eight kilometres east of New Denver.


Slocan Valley Rail Trail

Part of the former CPR line, this trail extends over 52 kilometres from South Slocan in the south to Slocan in the north. Access points with parking are at Slocan (by the beach and at Gravel Pit Rd.), Lemon Creek, Winlaw, Passmore, Slocan Park, Crescent Valley and South Slocan. For further info see the Rail Trail website.


Lakeside Mori Trail, New Denver

The Lakeside Trail takes you from one end of the village to the other along Slocan Lake and Carpenter Creek. Access the trail from Centennial Park, the bottom of the main street (6th Avenue) or Bigelow Bay. The trail on the south side of Carpenter Creek (west of Highway 6) is an off-leash dog park. 


Owl Walk, Village of Slocan

Slocan’s Owl Walk was developed to protect screech owl habitat and provide an educational walk along the riverside. Access is next to the Slocan Valley Rail Trail just north of Gravel Pit Road (which connects to Highway 6 just south of Slocan).


*Trail and road etiquette

Access to trails is often on single-lane rough roads that are sometimes only navigable by 4-wheel-drive vehicles. Some alpine roads are only free of snow from July to October. The right-of-way goes to the vehicle heading downhill. On multi-use trails, horses have the right of way, then people, then bikes, then motorized vehicles. It’s risky to take dogs on backcountry or alpine trails since they can draw angry bears back to you, can get lost and can threaten wildlife and livestock.

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